Forme interrogative en anglais : exercice

Améliorez votre anglais avec des exercices sur la forme interrogative. Pratiquez et maîtrisez l'art de poser des questions efficacement en anglais !

Dans cet exercice, nous allons explorer la forme interrogative en anglais. Vous vous exercerez à transformer des phrases affirmatives en questions, en utilisant les auxiliaires appropriés pour poser des questions claires et précises.

Transformez la phrase en question. : "She is coming to the party."

Is she coming to the party?
Does she come to the party?
She is coming to the party, isn’t she?
She comes to the party?

Transformez la phrase en question. : "He has finished his homework."

Has he finished his homework?
Did he finish his homework?
He finished his homework, didn’t he?
Has he finished his homework, isn’t it?

Transformez la phrase en question. : "They were watching a movie."

Were they watching a movie?
They were watching a movie, weren’t they?
Was they watching a movie?
Did they watch a movie?

Transformez la phrase en question. : "She can play the piano."

Can she play the piano?
Does she can play the piano?
She can play the piano, can’t she?
Did she play the piano?

Transformez la phrase en question. : "He will go to the park later."

Will he go to the park later?
Does he go to the park later?
Will he going to the park later?
He goes to the park later?

Bravo d'avoir terminé cet exercice ! Êtes-vous satisfait de votre score sur la forme interrogative ? Si ce n'est pas le cas, prenez un moment pour revoir les règles de transformation des phrases et continuez à vous entraîner.

Savoir poser des questions en anglais, c'est la base pour pouvoir mener une conversation avec des étrangers. Ne négligez pas la maîtrise de ces règles de grammaire.

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